torsdag 6 februari 2014

Bad at updating

I am so sorry that I have been away from the blog,it's just that I'm lazy as soon as I get home from school xD
I really don't have anything important to say, or well
I do have a math test tomorrow and...
I'm turning 16, I will be old...
It sounds kind of old actually o.o
I have bad luck tho...I have a test on my birthday,DO NOT APPROVE!
I just hope that I will make it,I'd love to get an A or B ^^
I feel like I need to work a lot this weekend,I've been kind of lazy so there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done untill monday, but I can work with it tomorrow or in the weekend ^_^
oh yeah, I almost forgot
Do they send a serie called "Paradise Hotel" in your country? 
They send it here in Sweden and I absolutely hate it ._.
What a great soceity we have! Letting 12-13 year olds watch a serie about stupid people drinking and having sex with everyone is really smart! They will not think that it's okay...
Oh yes they will ._.
I can't believe that they actually aired this was crap! Even Kardashian's serie would have been a better choice ._.
So...yeah...did not like it...but I guess there's nothing I can do since the people watching it are unreasonable >.<
Enough bashing, I will now go to bed and hope that the test will be eay ^^
Jal ja!

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