måndag 5 maj 2014



So, today was special...
I went to school as normal, and when the clock was half past 9, people tell me that Jimmie Åkesson (he's the leader of SverigeDemokraterna, a racist "organisation/party") were coming to our city in just half an hour!
So I and a few others convinced our teacher to let us go and demonstrate (no one likes them, okay?). She finally said yes and we went to where he was going to talk.

I dropped my phone while walking so the screen is all messed up ;_;

We got there and damn, there was about 300 people there, most of them were teens and the rest were people in their 40's. We saw Jimmie and everyone started booing at him and people screamed at him. We screamed some chants like "Inga rasister på våra gator" (No racists on our streets) and stuff like that.
One person tried to hit Åkesson (he failed of course) and 3 other people got arrested, but other than that it was fine.

I did scream and I did boo at him. The problem was that I had the misfortune to stand in the middle of 3 racist bastards ._.
They were so rude, I mean, you guys think you are better than other people because they're not Swedish, are you stupid or what?

He finally left and so did we. We ate lunch and talked about the experience.
Even though I was there to demonstrate that I didn't like what he wants to change, it was really interesting. I have never heard a politician talk "live", and it was interesting to hear how they speak. Although, what he said was bullshit.

I did however like that I was there, demonstrating. It was funny. If I knew about it sooner I would have made a sign or something like that :3

So, what is "Sverigedemokraterna"?
Well, the easiest way to explain it is just saying that it's a racist party. They want to stop people from immigrating to our country. They also want Sweden to stop being a part of the EU. The members of Sverigedemokraterna have had a bad history, there are always news about how someone from SD said something really racist or how they hit someone who wasn't "white". I do not support them at all.

Hopefully they won't get many votes, but since it's Sweden we're talking about...I'm not sure ._.

So, to talk about something even scarier...
I signed up for the Cosplay Contest today...
I'm so nervous D:
I haven't started with the cosplay yet (I have to much stuff to do with school and upcoming events.
I will buy the wig tomorrow and I will look after patterns to my trousers and vest really soon though. I really hope it'll look good ^^

Oh well, I'll have to do my homework now...ugh


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