So yeah...NCV was almost a week ago and I haven't uploaded any pictures yet...
But I've been I've been sleeping...and studying...and watching anime...
so little time you know~
But here you have some pictures from NCV <3
fredag 28 februari 2014
Day 19
So today I will tell you who I think is the best dancer...
I mean
Have you seen his moves? xD
That is so hot I cannot even ;w;
No but
Of course I think it's Zelo, I mean hes even good at freestyling so yeah
Zelo is the best one ^_^
So today I will tell you who I think is the best dancer...
I mean
Have you seen his moves? xD
No but
Of course I think it's Zelo, I mean hes even good at freestyling so yeah
Zelo is the best one ^_^
torsdag 27 februari 2014
Day 18
So today I will tell you about the member I think would be my brother o.o
that's hard...
Himchan maybe? I mean, we both hate losing and are quite bitchy (you know how people talk about siblings being mean to each other because their similar) so yeah
I think Himmiechan would be my brother xD
So today I will tell you about the member I think would be my brother o.o
that's hard...
Himchan maybe? I mean, we both hate losing and are quite bitchy (you know how people talk about siblings being mean to each other because their similar) so yeah
I think Himmiechan would be my brother xD
tisdag 25 februari 2014
Day 20
Omo, the best rapper...
I have to say Zelo again o.o
I don't really like Yongguk's way of rapping, but I love the way that Zelo raps (sorry Yongguk)
So yeah...Zelo is the best rapper ^_^
Omo, the best rapper...
I have to say Zelo again o.o
I don't really like Yongguk's way of rapping, but I love the way that Zelo raps (sorry Yongguk)
So yeah...Zelo is the best rapper ^_^
Day 17
ooh, today I'll actually need to think o.o
What member do I think would be my best friend...
This is actually hard man ._.
It wouldn't be Himchan since he and I would kill each other, since he doesn't seem to enjoy loosing from Happy Camp thingy ^^
Zelo is definitely too shy and Jongup is too awkward for me to handle... although I think we would've have a lot of fun xD
Gosh, I think Youngjae and I would be best friends o.o
He's dorky, funny, loves to tease people as soon as he can and cute...
Youngjae would probably be my best friend if it was possible :3
ooh, today I'll actually need to think o.o
What member do I think would be my best friend...
This is actually hard man ._.
It wouldn't be Himchan since he and I would kill each other, since he doesn't seem to enjoy loosing from Happy Camp thingy ^^
Zelo is definitely too shy and Jongup is too awkward for me to handle... although I think we would've have a lot of fun xD
Gosh, I think Youngjae and I would be best friends o.o
He's dorky, funny, loves to tease people as soon as he can and cute...
Youngjae would probably be my best friend if it was possible :3
![]() |
måndag 24 februari 2014
Day 16
Okay this might be a little awkward...
My OTP (One True Pairing)
I don't really have an OTP in BAP, but I do think that BANGHIM are BAP's parents so I guess it's my OTP ^^
(BANGHIM=Bang Yongguk&Kim Himchan)
So yeah
Annyeong <3
Okay this might be a little awkward...
My OTP (One True Pairing)
I don't really have an OTP in BAP, but I do think that BANGHIM are BAP's parents so I guess it's my OTP ^^
(BANGHIM=Bang Yongguk&Kim Himchan)
So yeah
Annyeong <3
lördag 22 februari 2014
NärCon Winter Day 2
Gawhd,I overslept today ._.
Well yesterday started out badly,I have no patience xD
The makeup took 2-3 hours and my bed got so messed up ._.
But we made it,and we took some photos that hopefully weren't deleted ^^
God it was fun!
So many people took photos of me and Heerin and we got so many compliments :D
We met 4 other people that were cosplaying Steam Powered Giraffe and they looked awesome :D
I didn't buy that much tho,I bought a bookmark,a little panda,a ring and some japanese energy drink that will keep me awake for 2 days o.o
We went to see Q&A with Reika...
Gooood she's so awesome!
She's a really popular cosplayer and she's really good at it! She's been cosplaying for 19 years (I thought she was 19) and has done over 500 cosplays (that's almost 2 cosplays every month).
She was really cute,I like her :3
I was going to go to the meet and greet today,but I can't really do anything so I'll skip it :/
After that we ate and then we saw "Manlighetstävlingen"...
They danced (because manly people need to have a good rythm)
They held a tone for a really long time-ish
They ate candy
They carried a pig with a sword
They played chubby bunny
And the last 2 had to shoot each other...kinda...
Anyway,it was really funny xD
I went to bed at 1:30am so it was pretty early...
But today I will stay up late :3
Okay I need to go now
torsdag 20 februari 2014
NärCon Winter day 1
It's 7am and I've been awake for the last one and a half hour...ugh,can't sleep when the weather is like this :/
Anyway,I'm at NärCon Winter now
It is mind blowing seriously!
So I came home to Heerin and we tested the makeup and went to sleep at 3-4am and woke up 8am (tired as hell)
We made our way to the convention and stood in the line for 2 hours and then we tried to find our room for like half an hour (try walking around with 3 big and heavy bags up the stairs) xD
We finally made it and soon after that we were able to explore NCV 2014!
It is so amazing I cannot even,there are so much to look at I cannot even!
I did buy a poster,a shirt thingy,the NärCon tattoo and 2 things from Korea :3
I also bought some food and stuff like that (although I somehow forgot to eat before we got to bed so I haven't eaten in over 12 hours)
There are so many awesome cosplays!
I saw Jack the Skeleton,Elsa (really beautiful dress),loads of Attack on Titan cosplays etc.
I actually saw someone cosplaying as the Spine (the person I'm going to cosplay,although I'm making a really girly version),she looked really awesome ^_^
we saw the show with a lot of dancing (there was a girl group that danced a traditional Japanese dance thingy,looked really cool) and we played this game with the Närcon Panda xD
We also watched a dating show and yeah...we did a lot of things ^^
Today I will cosplay as The Spine ans I will do a lot of other things too <3
I'll write later ^_^
måndag 17 februari 2014
Day 10
Oh my, today will almost be serious
"What do you like most about Bang Yongguk?"
Well, I like a lot of things so it's hard to choose one, but I would choose his
He has donated a lot of money and rice and I don't know what more to different organizations. He really wants to help other people and I find that really cute and I don't know, I really like what he's doing :3
So yeah, that's what I like most about Yongguk <3
Oh my, today will almost be serious
"What do you like most about Bang Yongguk?"
Well, I like a lot of things so it's hard to choose one, but I would choose his
He has donated a lot of money and rice and I don't know what more to different organizations. He really wants to help other people and I find that really cute and I don't know, I really like what he's doing :3
So yeah, that's what I like most about Yongguk <3
lördag 15 februari 2014
Day 15
Last day of telling you guys what I like most about the members 8D
Only Choi Junhong, or Zelo as he's called ^^
hmm, what do I like most about Zelo...
I actually have to say that I like his voice the most o.o
His voice is special, I can't explain it but when he raps...god there's something special and I really like it...
Last day of telling you guys what I like most about the members 8D
Only Choi Junhong, or Zelo as he's called ^^
hmm, what do I like most about Zelo...
I actually have to say that I like his voice the most o.o
His voice is special, I can't explain it but when he raps...god there's something special and I really like it...
Day 14
Yeah, today I'll tell you what I like most about Moon Jongup (and tomorrow it will be Zelo's turn)
What I like most about Jongup is probably is awkwardness o.o
No one can be as awkward as Jongup...
Okay Onew can, but he loves chicken more than kids so it's alright <3
But Jongup is cute and awkward at the same time...
and those moves o.o <3
Yeah, today I'll tell you what I like most about Moon Jongup (and tomorrow it will be Zelo's turn)
What I like most about Jongup is probably is awkwardness o.o
No one can be as awkward as Jongup...
Okay Onew can, but he loves chicken more than kids so it's alright <3
But Jongup is cute and awkward at the same time...
and those moves o.o <3
Day 13
Today I will tell you what I like most about Yoo Youngjae c:
I think I like how he's all dorky and funny (/^o^)/
I mean really, he should be the playful maknae instead of Zelo xD
lol jk, Himchan is the sassiest person in BAP <3
Today I will tell you what I like most about Yoo Youngjae c:
I think I like how he's all dorky and funny (/^o^)/
I mean really, he should be the playful maknae instead of Zelo xD
I actually think he's more sassy than Himchan o.o
Day 12
yayy, another day of the BAP-tag ^_^
I will tell you what I like most about Jung Daehyun C:
What I like most about Daehyun is...
His voice
God, Daehyun's voice is just sooo beautiful I cannot even.
I think he is one of my favourite singers actually, his voice is truly amazing, really <3
yayy, another day of the BAP-tag ^_^
I will tell you what I like most about Jung Daehyun C:
What I like most about Daehyun is...
His voice
God, Daehyun's voice is just sooo beautiful I cannot even.
I think he is one of my favourite singers actually, his voice is truly amazing, really <3
Day 11
So today I will tell you what I like most about Kim Himchan C:
Well, Kim Himchan is my bias in BAP so I like everything about him.
But what I like most about him is probably...
the fact that he's trying to act all manly right after doing aegyo <3
It is so funny I cannot even xD
But yeah, that's what I like most about Himchan :3
So today I will tell you what I like most about Kim Himchan C:
Well, Kim Himchan is my bias in BAP so I like everything about him.
But what I like most about him is probably...
the fact that he's trying to act all manly right after doing aegyo <3
But yeah, that's what I like most about Himchan :3
Day 9
kekekekeke, I laughed when I read what I'm supposed to do today xD
" Funniest quote from any of the B.A.P members"
Oh dear lord where should I start...
I'll definitely go with Himmiechan :3
My favourite quote is
"I love cheecheebuhgaa, I löve it" - Himchan
I cracked up when I first heard it, it's hilarious I cannot even xD
Nah, I shouldn't be mean, Himchan can speak both Korean and Japanese so I can't really say anythin o.o
But yeah...
kekekekeke, I laughed when I read what I'm supposed to do today xD
" Funniest quote from any of the B.A.P members"
Oh dear lord where should I start...
I'll definitely go with Himmiechan :3
My favourite quote is
"I love cheecheebuhgaa, I löve it" - Himchan
I cracked up when I first heard it, it's hilarious I cannot even xD
Nah, I shouldn't be mean, Himchan can speak both Korean and Japanese so I can't really say anythin o.o
But yeah...
onsdag 12 februari 2014
Day 7
Annyeonghaseyo! favourite Warrior outfit...
I really like the one from the Japanese version (the video that is blocked in Sweden and other parts of Europe) ._.
I really like their clothes though...miiiiight be because of Zelo's jacket but who cares :3
Annyeong! favourite Warrior outfit...
I really like the one from the Japanese version (the video that is blocked in Sweden and other parts of Europe) ._.
I really like their clothes though...miiiiight be because of Zelo's jacket but who cares :3
tisdag 11 februari 2014
Day 6
Today will be kind of...I don't know...impossible o.o
"My favourite Warrior performance"
I haven't really watched any performances, I don't have that much free time xD
So I can't do this tag, mianhamnida
I'll give you some BangHim instead :3
I feel really sorry for kpop idols...they have to accept that these pictures exist ._.
Today will be kind of...I don't know...impossible o.o
"My favourite Warrior performance"
I haven't really watched any performances, I don't have that much free time xD
So I can't do this tag, mianhamnida
I'll give you some BangHim instead :3
I feel really sorry for kpop idols...they have to accept that these pictures exist ._.
lördag 8 februari 2014
Day 5
Oh yeah, it is day number 5 of the BAP tag, and this one is quite weird (either that or I'm stupid)
My favourite BAP lyric(s) o.o
Do they mean like the whole song or just a part from one of their songs?
Let's just take a part from a song ^^
Oh yeah, it is day number 5 of the BAP tag, and this one is quite weird (either that or I'm stupid)
My favourite BAP lyric(s) o.o
Do they mean like the whole song or just a part from one of their songs?
Let's just take a part from a song ^^
"Geeureumui noye heundeureo gogaereul
Noryeokdo eomneun nomdeureun dangjang jameseo kkae
Bangguseoge anjaseo nopeun jarireul wonhae
Igeon geimi aninde hyeonsildeureul gubun motae"
Noryeokdo eomneun nomdeureun dangjang jameseo kkae
Bangguseoge anjaseo nopeun jarireul wonhae
Igeon geimi aninde hyeonsildeureul gubun motae"
"Shake your head and say no to being a slave to laziness
All those who don’t try, wake up right now
You want a high position by just sitting in your room?
This isn’t a game – why can’t you separate it from reality?"
All those who don’t try, wake up right now
You want a high position by just sitting in your room?
This isn’t a game – why can’t you separate it from reality?"
This is from One Shot, It is from Zelo's rap, and I absolutely love it!
Somehow I feel like most people can relate to this part of the song, am I right?
At least I do o.o
Oh well
omo presents!
haha, thought I could show you the gifts I got from yesterday (and today) ^_^
2 of the things aren't here yet, but hopefully they'll come next week~
But I got this :
Yeah, I really loved the gifts okay?
But really, the chicken and cake is amazing, I'll become fat o.o
mwah <3
haha, thought I could show you the gifts I got from yesterday (and today) ^_^
2 of the things aren't here yet, but hopefully they'll come next week~
But I got this :
I got this photo book filled with photos from Harayassi <3 |
"Learn Korean" from mum <3 |
This awesome book from mum <3 |
This wonderful cake from Heerinssi It is really tasty too 83 <3 |
Heerinssi seriously bought me chicken <3 I really do love chicken though I'll eat it well <3 |
But really, the chicken and cake is amazing, I'll become fat o.o
mwah <3
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